தலைப்புச் செய்திகள்

BSNLEU காரைக்குடி மாவட்டச் சங்கம் தங்களை வணங்கி வரவேற்கிறது!
தங்களின் தோழமையுள்ள,
, மாவட்டச் செயலர்
P.மகாலிங்கம், மாவட்டத் தலைவர்

Thursday, 24 October 2013


KARAIKUDI. 630 001

No: JCM/KKD/GENL-CORR/01,  Dated at  Karaikudi the 21/10/2013.


The Chairman,
Local Council,
Karaikudi SSA,

                                                Sub: Submission of JCM items – reg.,

                                We are submitting the following items for discussion and settlement in the forthcoming JCM local council meeting of our SSA to be held on 29/10/2013.  I request to admit the same and to review the old pending items also.

1.       Provision of basic amenities at all our offices and Telephone exchanges.

It is observed that in most of our offices and exchanges there are no minimum basic amenities.  In some exchange even there is no toilet facility. In most of the offices there is no drinking water facility. Particularly the GM office is maintained in a poor unhygienic condition. Hence it is requested to provide all the needed basic amenities in all of our offices and exchanges.

2.       Provision of Broad band facility to NFTE office available at GM Office, KKD.

Even after supply of new computer to NFTE office provision of Broad band facility is delayed for more than two months. Hence it is requested to provide the same without further delay.

3.       Issue of ID cards to all staff of our SSA.

ID cards are issued to our staff five year back and the validity period is over. Hence it is requested to make arrangement for issue of quality ID card to all staff.

4.       Strengthening of Customer service centers.

The customer service centers are the front end meeting point with the subscribers. But the CSCs are poorly maintained in our SSA.  Hence it is requested to ensure
a.       Posting of Suitable staff   in the CSCs.
b.       Provision of basic amenities to Customers.
c.        Display of latest tariff and plans in time.
d.       Installation of nationalized banks ATM machines.
e.        Shifting of CSC, Rameswaram to the new building.
f.        Posting of Sr.TOAs at CSR/Paramakkudi.
g.       Periodical payment of Conveyance allowance to the CSC staff.

5.       Ensure various essential Periodical supplies to the staff.

The following supplies to the staff may be done at the earliest to enable them to discharge their duty smoothly.
a.       Supply of tools and safety devices to the TMs and TTAs in our SSA.
b.       Supply of Torch lights for the security persons doing watch and ward duty.
c.        Supply of overcoats to the staff working in CAT –I CSC.
d.       Supply of PCs and Printers to all CSCs and for clerical staff working in office.
e.        Supply of bags and ID to the officials working in marketing/vijay/udaan etc.,

6.       Issue of NEPP orders to the left out officials.

In our SSA still about 40 cases are pending without NEPP promotions.  Some of the cases are pending due to average entries and disciplinary cases. The pending cases may be reviewed and settled at the earliest.

7.       Utilization of Vacant Staff quarters, Conference hall etc.,

a.       The conference hall at DTAX exchange, Karaikudi is kept idle for long time. 
      The same may be converted into Community hall for the use of our staff.
b.       The staff quarters at Paramakkudi and Sivaganga are vacant for a long time.  The vacant staff quarters may be allotted to the retired persons, State Govt. employees and for hiring purpose to Government offices.
c.        In GM office some of the floors are lying vacant.  The same may be let out to Govt. offices for hiring purpose.
d.       The type V staff quarters at Alagappapuram, Karaikudi is now utilized by our staff without any charge.  The above Staff quarter may be converted into       full-fledged IQ by which BSNL can earn income.
e.        Allotment of vacant Staff quarters to the Contract employees working in our office at a nominal rent.

8.       Settlement of pending bills in Drawl section.

a.       OTA bills are still pending in our office.  Nowadays there is no OTA.  Hence as a one time measures the pending OTA bills may be paid at the earliest.

b.       Some of the LTC bills are not settled on the plea that the journey was performed in OMNI buses.  As per rules the GM is empowered to approve the journey performed in OMNI buses.  Hence the pending bills may be settled accordingly.

c.         Some of the Medical bills are not yet settled that the treatment was taken in private hospitals.  On emergency the affected man has to admit himself to the nearest hospital to save his life.  On humanitarian grounds the pending medical bills may be settled early.

d.       Releasing 78.2 IDA fixations to June 2013 retirees and to the TTAs officiating as JTOs.

e.        Payment of Full Leave encashment to the staff at their time of retiring.
f.        Insisting of Insurance cover to the staff availing Personal loan.

9.       Finding of way out to increase BSNL’s revenue.

a)       Scrapping and sale of Unserviceable stores.
b)        Improving of marketing activities.
c)       Provision of additional Cell towers throughout the SSA and empowerment of signaling in the towers where poor signaling is observed.
d)        Formation of Outstanding dues pursuit cell to realize the telephone dues.
e)        Set right of ring routes faults in potential areas.
f)        Review to close exchanges having below 50 working connections.
g)       Exemption to Panchayat Wimax connections from disconnection.

10.     Settlement of pending cases in Admin section of GM office, Karaikudi.

a.       CMA to the staff working in OD section. Due to non review of CMA cases annually some of the officials working in outdoor are not getting CMA allowances for a long time. The same may be set right at the earliest.
b.       Issue of confirmation orders to the left out cases especially in TTA cadre.
c.        Issue of appointment order in TTA cadre.
d.       Filling up of 10% TTA quota.  At present about 98 TTA vacancies are available in our SSA.  In this only two officials are appointed as TTA under 10% quota and remaining vacancies are not filled.  Even though eligible officials that too in the SC category is available the process is not yet commenced.  Hence the eligible official in the SC category under 10% TTA quota may be filled at the earliest.

11.    Review of Waiting List in the cadres of TM/TTA.
In our SSA many of TMs and TTAs are waiting for a long time to their choice of stations.  Even officials are waiting from DOT period.  Hence it is requested to clear the waiting list at the earliest.

12.    Review of Project UDAAN, VIJAY and NWOP section.
Since formation of the above projects no review is done.  The officials working on the above projects are getting benefits and incentives.  So other officials are also willing to avail the benefits.  Hence necessary review may be done and willing officials posted in the above projects.

13.     Posting of TMs at unmanned exchanges and at Outdoor section of DVK/KKD/PMK/ILN exchanges.

14.    Supply of free SIM to the JCM, Works committee and Welfare committee members and to the remaining officials on seniority basis in a phased manner.
Provision of STD and roaming facility to all prepaid service numbers and dialing facility to Private operators for RSTC connections.

15.     Ensure Travelling allowance for the staff travelling more than 8 kms per day to discharge their duty and sanction of Conveyance allowance for the staff who are travelling within 8 kms to attend Broad band and other faults.

16.      Implementation of  Labor laws and Corporate office guidelines in
  respect of contract  laborers engaged in our SSA. 
a.       Issue of Identity card
b.       Issue of ESI medical card.
c.        Ensure EPF payment every month.
d.       Ensure payment of salary before every 5th.
e.        Ensure Bonus payment every year.
f.        Adhere all the tender conditions.

     Thanking you,                                                                                                                                               
Yours Sincerely,


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